America’s Legacy: Borrow, Borrow, Borrow and Spend, Spend, Spend-Hey, You Only Live Once

By Mickey Walker-April 21, 2013

The world as we know it has become a weird series of incomprehensible twistings of truth, reality, and meaning.  We put our trust in people like Laffer who had a “Curve” to tell us how to borrow and spend to create jobs and prosperity.  It didn’t.  Alan Greenspan had his own formula he just “knew” would be the economic medicine for a healthy America.  We overdosed.  And later, Greenspan admitted that he...

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Before Borrowing and Spending Became the Norm and the Cow Jumped over the Moon

By Mickey Walker-April 7, 2013

I was born in 1940 in Rosebud, Texas.  It is a quaint little town of perhaps, 1,000 people at best.  At dusk on Saturdays, people would stroll about the town streets and greet and smile at each other. My mother, Eva Pace Walker and father, Kramer Maurice (Bud) Walker had a teaching contract at the rural school in Meeks, Texas which was about halfway between...


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Reparations: One Solution to cure America’s $16 Trillion National Debt

By Mickey Walker-March 24, 2013

Here they go again.  The Government is rolling out the people program shredders again to screw Americans.  To make us taxpayers pay for their incompetent borrowing and spending on the most unproductive part of America that pays NO taxes!  If you guessed government, give that lady(or man) a cigar!  I mean, like, who among us has borrowed and spent our Social Security Fund into the toilet?  We don’t have that kind of money.  But the government doesn’t either, one could say.  But Ben Bernanke can just fire up the printing presses at the...


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A Marine Officer’s Answer to Feelings of Prejudice in the Ranks: “We’re All in the Same Boat Out Here”

​By Mickey Walker - 03.10.13

It was 1968, and as a freshly-promoted Lieutenant in the United States Navy, I was transferred from Sandia Base, New Mexico as a Nuclear Weapons Instructor to shore duty near Yorktown, Virginia.  

Assigned as Plant Supervisor of a nuclear weapons assembly plant in an underground bunker I supervised the retrofits and required maintenance to nuclear weapons received from ships going and coming from points in the Atlantic.

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Killer Drones: Glimpses of Nietzsche, Joni Mitchell, and America’s Legacy

By Mickey Walker – 02.24.13

Trying to make sense out of the latest bizarre events about how our thinking as a nation has changed I drift back to yesteryear before the near destruction of our Bill of Rights.  Wading through the battered pages of our Constitution, I see the corpses of habeas corpus, the right to privacy, the right to due process and a jury of your peers, and I shed a tear for what once was.  How did all this happen?  Has the fear of terrorism transformed us into a country of fearful strangers?  Have we become a Bubba nation whose purpose now is to expedite justice at the end of a gun barrel?

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Government Lies: Selected Red Herrings to Keep Us Happy and Our Eye off the Ball

By Mickey Walker - 02.10.13

I used to think it was most like the Republican Party to lie to the people while picking our pocket.  But as I age I see the Democrats doing the same thing:  not restoring habeas corpus, not closing down Guantanamo, wire-tapping us with enhanced use of the Patriot Act to spy on us, you know the drill.  Uncle Sam no longer has to hold our hand and soothe our fears mainly because we do not know the things to be afraid of...

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