My disagreement with so-called evangelical fundies isn’t over basic Christianity. It’s over their desecration of Christianity. Their embrace of the evils hate, falsehoods, fear, and fanaticism contradicts Christ. How can one claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ and at the same time advocate the elimination of whole classes of people and the murder of the President?

And hatred of Barack Obama is the religious right’s driving force in this election cycle, not to mention the recent 2010 mid-term. It’s well-noted in South Carolina exit-polls the Number One quality Republicans seek in the field is a candidate who can beat Obama. Every other issue pales.

No wonder the nation suffers.

Republicans at campaign stops jeer “String him up!” and “Obama’s a Muslim. Get him out of government,” with no correction from candidates. At least McCain in 2008 had the decency to set the record straight.

America suffers from a polarization not seen since the Civil War. While President Obama extended an olive branch, Republicans countered with a hand-grenade.

The reason the GOP is so infused with anger in recent years is simple to understand once one recognizes the now-completed Nixonian “Southern Strategy,” renowned for its plot to capture the majority by exploiting southerners angry over civil rights.

The party is dominated by the South – by old former Dixiecrats whose prime motive is race. So, a Black President in the White House is absolutely abhorrent to them because it goes against everything they were taught to believe. Evidence of African-American intelligence contradicts their long-held doctrine of white superiority. “Put him in his place” is their outcry, like a Gingrich supporter shouted in South Carolina.

The principal force behind the Old Confederacy was misguided Christianity hijacked by plantation aristocrats in their attempt to preserve slavery – their means of accumulating wealth. The principal force behind the modern Republican Party is misguided Christianity hijacked by plutocrats in their attempt to preserve unbridled capitalism – their means of suppressing labor and, thus, resurrecting slavery. It’s not merely the 1% vs. the 99% or class warfare, but far more complex.

It’s the same spirit of greed that threatens the nation, and it’s the same apostate “Christianity” that plays the central role in backing greed in all three centuries. The Southern Baptist Convention (largest Protestant body in the U.S.) was formed in 1845 when southern churches disagreed with their northern brethren over the issue of slavery and whether Africans were actually human or not. (Lynching was sanctioned by Baptists in the Old South because they considered Blacks animals and property.) The SBC became one of the driving forces behind the South seceding in 1861, culminating in the Civil War. Yes, most Confederates were evangelical fundamentalists, of which the largest denomination was Southern Baptist.

To be fair, Southern Baptists have attempted to correct their image and apologize from that period.  But they still carry a measure of latent racism, as evidenced at campaign and religious rallies, not to speak of their voting pattern.

Now consider that the majority of the modern Republican Party consists of fundamentalists and the largest segment of those have southern origins, particularly Southern Baptist roots along with auxiliary and break-off denominations.

Considering these facts, one cannot discount the impact of the GOP “Southern Strategy.” Bush’s consultants (Doug Wead, Ralph Reed, and Karl Rove) spiked 84% evangelical “values” vote for Bush in 2004 – which clinched the election, and 78% of evangelicals went for McCain in 2008. The “magic” number is somewhere around 80% to secure any determination. Hence, fundamentalists can control any American election if energized.

The U.S. is at a tipping point. If evangelicals continue to increase while mainstream denominations stagnate or decline, elections could swing further to the right. The only caveat to this theory is growth of the Latino population. How ironic to have Mexicans rescuing America from itself.

Maps on election nights since 2000 have resembled the Union-Confederacy schism from 150 years before, and the reason is religion. The North and West are mostly a mix of diverse religions, while the South remains staunchly evangelical Protestant [with the exception of Catholic Louisiana] – of the same belief-systems held a century or more ago.

America’s only other hope (besides the growing influence of the Latino population) is for the evangelical movement to experience a reawakening of true Christian principles. The core teachings of Christ are in direct contradiction to the modern movement. In time, perhaps, they will see the light and return to the Gospel. If not, the consequence may be a schism resembling 1861 where old fault-lines are unlocked.

The nation is bitter and disillusioned at this time – not because a Black man sits in the White House, but because of false propaganda spun by the right. Hate breeds irrational thought where the hater easily accedes to angry outbursts and violence. Millions dominated by these unfounded emotions become a movement – which transforms into future civil unrest, if not skewed elections giving way to bad choices and destructive policies. One cannot think clearly if overcome by hate and anger, especially if those passions are based on false premises.

And this bitterness and disillusionment directly stems from the off-base religious right. Certainly, Republican consultants may be faulted for capitalizing on the evangelical white vote, but the base itself is at fault for bastardizing Christianity. Jesus is not pleased.


IRAN: Obama’s Ticket to Re-Election

Iran could turn out to be Obama’s salvation (and America’s damnation).

The economy doesn’t look like it’ll uptick enough to make a dent in Obama’s favor come November. To nearly half the voters – Romney, with all his quirks and Bain baggage, seems a reasonable alternative – as it stands now ten months out. The right has begrudgingly determined to hold its nose and get behind the nominee whose only credential is electability against the despised black guy in the White House. Hate drives them into the arms of a strange bedfellow with magical underpants. (Their passion is not love of Christ, but contempt for Obama. Whose god do they really serve?)

The election-year card most Republicans didn’t expect is IRAN. If the Strait of Hormuz is blocked by Iran, energy prices would skyrocket – even if the U.S. intervenes. The conflict would escalate naturally, and John Bolton’s most exhilarating wet-dream would be transformed into more than mere fantasy – except under a Democratic president, not exactly in the original script.

Fresh military engagements tend to solidify an incumbent into power. Imagine the confusion when war-loving rightwingers observe a Democratic president using force against Iran. The assassination of Osama bin Laden has long been explained away by FOX and friends as a Bush triumph while they’ve dismissed all other Obama international successes. But Iran?

The US and Russia are two big fish about to get hooked into a situation they can’t survive. The fishermen safely onshore are Israel and China. Israel, of course, doesn’t give a damn about any other nation except itself. Even its sole benefactor is dispensable in the long-range scope of things, especially if a Democrat sits in the White House and an extreme militant rightwing prime minister calls the shots from Jerusalem. Like US Republicans, Netanyahu loathes Obama and is, in fact, in constant collusion with the American right seeing how he can somehow influence elections.


Once the Hormuz card is played, the dominoes fall. The US would retaliate, Iran would attempt a strike against Israel, then all hell would break loose. I’m sure the Mossad has fully rehearsed this scenario. Except for perhaps the big bear to the north.

Russia’s role following the initial stage is crucial. If they back Iran militarily, game over. And if they don’t? Game over – as for trust among allies, former and present.

“And I will turn you back, and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you forth, and all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them thoroughly equipped, a great assemblage with targets and shields, all of them handling swords. You will come from your place in the far north, you and many nations with you, a great horde, a mighty army.” – Ezekiel 38:4 & 15

When considering these horrifying current potentialities, the Mayan calendar doesn’t look too far off. The US would be hooked to back Israel and Russia would be hooked to back Iran. Perfect Storm.

Just when America thought it was getting untangled from the idiotic wars deliberately set by Bush and Cheney, here comes another. Except bigger. The notion to downsize defense would, of course, be off-the-table, enough to make Republicans salivate all over each other.


Haley Barbour’s little misstep in Mississippi is another gift to the DNC. What was he thinking? Who ever heard of a far-right Republican governor releasing 200 or so convicted criminals on the streets to re-torment victims and possibly repeat offenses? Not to mention – in a SOUTHERN state?

Surely, there’s more to the story. It would seem Barbour had to be blackmailed, because even a come-to-Jesus moment wouldn’t have inspired him to release twenty-one murderers who could wreak vengeance.

Years ago a friend gave me a nugget of truth. He asked, “Loren, do you know the three most powerful words in the English language?”

“No,” I responded.

Bill answered, “I’VE GOT PICTURES.”

I thought about it for a second, then smiled as I recalled all the scandals where damning photos, documents or videos mysteriously came to light sealing the fate.

Someone might have an interesting video of Barbour in the governor’s mansion or elsewhere. Or maybe he yielded to temptation at an unsecure location where photos were snapped or a surveillance camera happened to be on. I just cannot imagine a conservative southern governor, tough-on-crime and former Chairman of the Republican Party, pardoning hundreds of convicts – except if one or more inmates happened to have injurious personal information with visuals as proof.

Democrats could re-take Mississippi, of all places. What a strange year.

Obama’s re-election could hinge on events overseas, not the economy or jobs. No need for an “October Surprise.” Israel could force us into a conflict they’ve been eager to launch for a long time. Iran’s nuclear arms’ ambitions may be true or false, but the point is – Israel doesn’t want to take any chances, and they’ve got to pull their big brother benefactor into the abyss to win.

But the cost of this war could be survival if Russia gets entangled.

Our only hope is that Obama will be wise enough to resist and steer us clear of an early sunset. Unfortunately, his past pattern undermines confidence.




No politician is saying it. No major network is broadcasting it. Their reluctance is probably well-founded. Panic would set in – making the outcome unimaginably worse.

America is Humpty Dumpty fallen off the cliff, and unlike the Great Depression of the 30s, it cannot resuscitate itself by firing up the manufacturing base. Because, thanks to the right-wing joined at the hip to Wall Street, there is hardly any manufacturing left. It has long been shipped overseas, cunningly called “outsourcing.” Yes, greed killed Humpty. But let’s not forget who pushed the gullible egg off the wall.

The middle class is a victim of homicide – premeditated, deliberate, and well-planned murder. Republicans have been targeting unions and the working class for decades, and now [with the help of their religious stooges], they’ve succeeded.

It’s simple math. Subtracting the purchasing power of America’s middle, only a few remain to buy the goods produced by overseas’ suppliers. Who can then afford homes, cars, appliances, and basic goods? And once the foundation is fractured, the entire house collapses.

It was a lesson supposedly learned 1929-1946. Unfortunately, America’s short-term memory blocks the past.

Add to the equation a manufacturing sector exiled overseas – the nation is Humpty Dumpty with little or no hope of recovery into the foreseeable future. Obama can’t cure the country’s ills through executive orders [which affect little at best], and Republicans in Congress have solemnly pledged to uphold their vow to deny Obama a second term at any cost – including destroying the nation.

Franklin Roosevelt was, of course, afflicted by Republicans who were the cause of the Depression but still were determined to prove they were right. But at least they cooperated enough when realizing FDR was going to hold firm to his proposals geared toward getting the country back on track.

Now we’re beset by worse obstacles: (1) a Republican Congress opposed to any proposal that would solve any problem [based on their prime motive to deny Obama a second term]; (2) a Democratic President that compromises core principles in the misguided belief that Republicans will reciprocate; and (3) a weakened economy vexed by disparity and a vanishing middle class.

These factors will make 2012 another rough year. If only Obama would be tough. If only Republicans would place country over party. If only manufacturing would return to America. If only the religious right would return to the Christ of the Gospels. If only working people would unite to demand a living wage. If only….

Instead, all these missing ingredients make a perfect storm.


It was hoped the President learned his lesson. But now we understand he approved “indefinite detention” of U.S. citizens. What the hell? His supporters are totally outraged. Again.

Surely, Obama realizes he cannot win without an energized base. Surely by now he realizes that Republicans are only out to screw him.

But the disappointment continues. Mitt Romney is now gifted with an opponent having a softened base. Not only is the economy in the toilet, but Obama’s voters are demoralized. “Angels don’t compromise with devils,” should have been the moral learned.


Given Obama’s penchant to please Republicans, Iran could be the next Iraq – 10 times over. Iran is several times larger and militarily stronger than Iraq 2003, and Russia could be pulled into the conflict. American “diplomacy” in the region is a total fiasco, and has been for 65 years. Nothing has been done serving our best interests – nor any other nation in the world, except energy conglomerates and corrupt politicians. Halliburton would take us to hell if it meant profit – as would Wall Street and the Military-Industrial Complex. Why don’t people understand?

Greed and corruption pushed Humpty over the wall, and the guard on duty that was supposed to prevent the fall was more concerned about making deals with the culprits than protecting the client and honoring his oath.


Because of all the factors mentioned, I cannot predict the outcome of this year’s election. At first, I thought Obama would walk away with it due to the clowns he was up against. Then after he again compromised away another key constitutional principle (indefinite suspension of American citizens), I realized the base would be further disappointed – weakened to the degree Mitt Romney could win enough Midwestern states to capture electoral advantage.

Plus, the loss of the Senate and the House remaining in GOP hands, I now see (at this time, if nothing else of significance changes) a full Republican sweep – which means further misery and an absolute war on the middle class and poor. Add to this the loss of the majority’s purchasing power means total depression, not merely recession.

When young, we were admonished to avoid two subjects in respectable conversation: POLITICS and RELIGION. But these are the two curses most affecting America.

Actually, I don’t want to seem pessimistic – just realistic. I wish there were positive items to report and would, if true. An increase in tourists to Disney may seem like the economy’s spark to a few, but I see the bigger picture of a suppressed middle class – the vast majority – unable to purchase goods they once did, resulting in loss of homes and valuables – while the 1% hoard what’s left. Have you driven your Main Street and chain-strip lately? How many boarded businesses, check-cashing scams, tattoo parlors, sex and nail shops did you notice? Signs of deterioration are all around which must indicate where we are.

America’s POLITICS have driven it to depression, and RELIGION is what’s fueling its POLITICS.

Perhaps Obama can pull it off – if he quits pissing off the people that elected him in `08. But given his pattern of appeasement, the future doesn’t look good.

SUMMARY: 2012 will continue the downward spiral of American influence — started as a result of the failed, treasonous Bush administration that came to power in a stolen election 2000. In long-range history that will be the accepted pivotal point of decline, not 9/11 or some other event over the horizon.


Republicans Worship a Nazi Jesus

How you view God is how you see man. An individual’s concept of “God” determines how one treats others. The same principle applies for a culture, nation or movement. If one envisions a vengeful, wrathful superior being, wrath and retribution are levied against “others” outside the “chosen.” The religion justifies prejudice with all its ugly manifestations: verbal abuse, theft, deceit, injustice, violence, and the ultimate – “final solution.” Religion was the foundation for Nazism which gave birth to Holocaust.


This is another law of human nature oft overlooked – which coincides with Voltaire’s cardinal truth: “People who believe absurdities will soon commit atrocities.”

It is a massive cult gripping America spinning it to hell. The current gridlock has its roots in right religion. Remove the religious right’s powerful influence over America, a measure of sanity may return. Imagine a world without religion, as found in John Lennon’s lyrics:


Imagine there's no heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people living for today

Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people living life in peace

You, you may say

I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one

I hope some day you'll join us

And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people sharing all the world

You, you may say

I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one

I hope some day you'll join us

And the world will live as one


I am not stating all religion is bad, because it’s in human nature to invent such philosophical mindsets as a security blanket for an torrid unexplainable existence. I’m just saying the distorting of Jesus’ image and words is the sacrilege that destroys individuals and nations – or, for that matter, the perversion of other revered theological figures.

America’s religious right loathes the concept of a Jesus who speaks of humility, meekness, generosity, compassion and sacrifice. Somehow these virtues de-masculinize the Messiah. And Republicans loathe a feminized Jesus, because humble characteristics are feminine, in their view.

Nazis had the same distorted reasoning in that the Jesus of the Gospels didn’t fit their ideology. So they had to mold “God” into their own image, culminating in a Holy Bible re-write of 1938, approved by the Fuhrer, which were loaded with anti-semitic passages.

Republicans worship a Nazi Jesus, not the Christ of the Bible. They picture a Jesus bearing a sword riding a white horse to slay millions of unbelievers. Revelation is where they lay claim to the view, but the Gospels’ depiction must be discarded in order to arrive. A judgmental “God” justifies a judgmental following. Thus, it’s condoned to hate and kill gays, Muslims, aliens, liberals, and all others not of their belief-system.

Jesus’ Number One principle must be suspended in order for them to condone bigotry: “Love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength; and love others as you do yourself.”

But in their view, this cardinal command must be set aside for the End Times prophecies to be completed – when a wrathful, vengeful “God” re-appears to annihilate the billions. This eschatological element is what drives America’s religious right to insanity and what is driving America off the cliff – since the religious right is such a significant segment of society. The culture war is here and now, and it has its roots in religion – albeit counter to Jesus’ teachings.

America’s religious right needs to return to its “first love.”




Who Served Such Poisonous Advice? Who Accepted?

In recent decades, the conventional political wisdom is for any freshman President to immediately race to positions held by opponents, hence governing from the “center” by homogenizing divergent views. The theoretic objective is to secure power.

Thus, Obama’s advisers advised.

Meaning? Supporters that just got the man elected were fed to the wolves, Bush’s extreme right executive orders issued four days before the blessed farewell weren’t withdrawn, and Obama started discarding most of his campaign pledges. Expectations of progressives were dashed.

Obama’s boys saw picking up “independents” as the only way to win the next cycle – as if “independents” were impressed by a President breaking promises to the faithful. So, they started working on it from Day One. Guantanamo was one of the first to go, then single-payer, government option, Copenhagen, labor bills, torture, off-shore justice, drilling pristine lands, infrastructure bills, no-taxes for the rich, illegal surveillance, CIA rendition, etc. It was as if we elected another damned GW.

Sure, the Stimulus bill squeaked through, GM-Chrysler bailout, and a watered-down Healthcare. Repeal of DADT took two years, but that’s no feather in the cap to most. After Republican spin got through, even Bin Laden’s capture was no accomplishment. His other notable foreign policy achievements are all but specks on America’s screen – given the state of the economy and the mesmerizing power of FOX.

“Independents” are not enthralled by disloyalty but influenced by a passionate base of either stripe. When Democrats are energized, “independents” swing Democratic. When Republicans are energized, “independents” swing Republican. That should be the political conventional wisdom, not lethal advice offered by the Davids Axelrod & Plouffe, Harold Ford, and old-school Clintonites. The “centrist” DLC is not in tune with the grassroots. Obama should be if truly concerned for the country; that’s my advice.

Obama’s voters were suppressed for the sake of “winning” the independent vote. We saw how well that turned out in 2010. Trial balloon? Consultants should have been shown the door. But insane moves to the right continued up until realizing recently the base has been neglected.

Axelrod and the Democratic Leadership Council set the stage for the 2010 defeat, and if left to their erroneous devices, will lead to a repeat in 2012. The only reasons Barack Obama is limping along in the polls are his extraordinary intelligence, verbal skills, appealing charisma, and charming family. And, oh yes, Republican clowns running against him.

A year out, I predict him to win, but only marginally. Unfortunately, if saddled with a Republican Senate and House, the country faces further decline. It cannot be pulled from the ashes by a Congress determined to favor the rich and myth-passionate culture warriors.

The rise of the Occupy Movement only came about because Obama dampened his base. A void was created when DLC and White House consultants advised the President to gravitate right toward the “center” instead of keeping promises. Turning right required Obama to focus on the interests of the 1% at the expense of the 99%. Millions of his followers were disillusioned and have now turned to other means. And I doubt he can recapture their support.

As Seth Meyers so aptly put it at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner last spring: “Candidate Obama 2008 could beat Obama 2012.”


The situation would have turned out differently had Obama listened to true progressives. Sorry advisers not only damaged him, but the country. Think what better condition we’d be in had Democrats stood for something and kept the House. The Tea Party only got their way because Obama’s consultants advised a race to the right.

Pandering to conservatives suppressed the base. They felt no energy after their change-president let them down. Independents leaned toward the Tea Party Express only because the right was energized, the left demoralized.

On the other hand, GW’s advisers broke with conventional wisdom in 2001. The base was kissed, opponents were kicked. Bush-Cheney stormed into office with both feet on the ground – cutting taxes for the rich, draining the treasury, prepping to invade Iraq, attacking labor-environment-social issues, politicizing justice, cementing a secret energy policy favoring Enron and Exxon, and taking a wrecking ball to the nation’s economy. His base loved it.

In January 2009 we thought it was OUR TURN to set things straight when the new sheriff was sworn in. Instead, we were served shit from centrists who prioritized 2012 over removing the nauseating Bush dung heap.

Their political theory impaired a renewal most urgent. But which actors are most responsible – the consultants or the client? Obama didn’t have to listen to idiots, did he?




The Curse of Compromise

Civil discourse may be visualized as negotiating parties sitting as equals across the table discussing ways to resolve issues in order to arrive at a consensus favorable to both parties’ best interests. However, to launch such a constructive arrangement, both parties must (1) bargain in good faith and (2) own a similar vision for future results – seeking comparable goals, albeit diverse methods.


Compromise is only good when opponents set the table correctly.

Barack Obama is now in campaign mode, temporarily not beset, it seems, by his race to the right when in the “governing” mode. His poll numbers reflect a bounce. But words alone cannot repair three years’ damage when he was eager to give away the store to win Republicans unyielding in their contempt for the man, labor, environment, equity, justice, and all issues sacred to progressives.

Obama’s blind-side is compromise. Although it’s a good thing in suitable circumstances, compromise is a curse when unilateral. It’s been one-sided from Day One, but the man doesn’t seem to detect their venom nor hear their vitriol.

Obama’s biggest mistake was casting pearls before swine. His pig enemies promised him failure and absolute obstruction, then honored those pledges with a sense of accomplishment. Undoubtedly, Republicans are willing to crash the nation for power. Mitch McConnell’s vow to destroy Obama, making him a one-term president, should have been the wake up call. Yet the man still flowered them with concessions – even before talks began. Who would do such a thing?

The classic comparison is Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in 1938 – conceding Czechoslovakia for a few months of peace. Stepping off the plane, Chamberlain seemed ecstatic as he read Brits his fresh agreement signed by Adolf.

The Fuhrer, of course, was not bargaining in good faith. Mein Kampf and his speeches overloaded with imperial goals should have been clues. But somehow Chamberlain was deaf to it all – his vision blurred by his ambition to be a noble statesman and conciliatory negotiator. I believe Obama’s blind-side is similar.

When the goal is compromise (not the overall public good), style usurps the substance. Precisely, that is Obama’s albatross. Solid promises in 2008 turned into bargaining chips which were cast upon the swine. Labor, environment, economy, healthcare, and justice suffered. America went further down the path to the decline idiot Bush set in place. Obama was to be the vaccine to the virus Bush-Cheney infected us with. What utter disappointment. Is it incurable now?

The excuse may very well be Republican obstructionism. But weren’t Democrats granted huge majorities in both houses plus the White House? Assuming leadership does not entail conceding to losers for bipartisanship’s sake. Obama’s dawn was OUR day; it was our turn to make right the wrongs of the former. Unfortunately, our day turned to night as we saw ourselves thrown under the bus for the slimmest hope of a little Republican give-and-take. Obstinate they remained.

Only now, as we enter the next election cycle, do we hear words for the base – as if we didn’t exist for three years. The curse of compromise is a nation careening near the cliff.