(Jonathon, the writer, is a congressional page from Central Florida.)

In a few days we found out. Stadler invited us nine male pages (conspicuously excluding the female) to a reception in an adjacent Watergate complex to his condo for supposedly to meet some defense contractors, a few pharmaceutical CEOs and their friends. Mark's wife had flown down to Lakeland for the weekend, so it looked sort of fishy. Congressman Duke Cunningham was there, along with Jack Abramoff, Tom DeLay and a whole bunch of guys from Carlyle, Enron, Halliburton, Bechtel, United Defense and Rand Corporation. Plus over a dozen guys from "K" Street where most of the lobbyists hung out when they weren't on Capitol Hill writing legislation under the table for reps and senators.

Well, it was one helluva party. The congressmen gambled and corporate heads with their politician puppets arranged for the players to "win." Big time. As in tens of thousands each on that one night alone. Yeah, the tables were rigged to make the politicians win so corporate "donations" couldn't be construed as bribery or illegal campaign financing. There's more ways than one to skin a cat, whether under the table or changing the law to fit the crime. It only takes money. Lots of it. That's how sick the system works.

Of course, now corporations can give unlimited cash under the table, thanks to the Bush Supremes that ruled in favor of phony front Citizens United. But back then there were a few rules to get around.

But this was over ten years ago – back when Mark Foley was instant messaging graphic sex to underage pages and Ted Haggard was being serviced by male escorts in Denver – all the while masquerading as born-again Christians deeply devoted to anti-gay-family-values. Pat Robertson’s political boy, Ralph Reed, was also part of the scene playing the role as Abramoff’s lapdog. However, the era may be more accurately depicted as chronic corruption related to ill-gotten gain – as the bigger picture quintessentially involves money and power, two words inseparable in the political arena.

Congressmen took in thousands in bribe money. Then the defense contractors had another surprise in store. From a back door several luscious prostitutes strode into the room. Yeah, practically naked! I couldn't believe my eyes. Congressmen and senators were allowed to choose from among the "selections." Then it was suggested they pay escorts with poker money they'd just "earned." Mind you, these were "Christian right-wing conservative" politicians sitting around the room, not the "immoral" left.

But the most startling discovery among the lineup of prostitutes was that a quarter of them were guys! Yeah, nearly nude dudes! I could only imagine what the reaction would be in congressmen's home districts should voters find out. Or if someone had a hidden camera somewhere and released videos to the media. Or the FBI. Or on the net (YouTube as yet didn’t exist).

From congressmen's choices, we could visibly detect their preferences. Talk about "open government"! Most of the men chose females; but over a quarter chose males; and two chose a combination of both. Incredible. And shamelessly they were picking hookers right in front of us. It was a glorified meat-market.

I noticed one senator, the junior from Pennsylvania, chose a male escort. He was infamous, we were informed, for picking up high-priced male hookers in Manhattan while on "business." He was the most radical anti-abortion, anti-gay guy in the room – a super-“Christian” with seven kids back home, sort of Josef Goebbels type. But a total hypocrite.

The next shock was when our own Congressman Stadler chose a "male escort" for the night. (As if we should be surprised?) He wore a tight military outfit that accented his brawny physique – had Jeff Gannon similarities. It might be said he was dressed "formally" in keeping with the "congressional" atmosphere.

As Mark Stadler clasped hands with the escort, he approached us at the other end of the room asking, "You fellows want to hang out with us at my place? I've got plenty of beer and videos. Please, join us."

It was more like a command than an invitation. We sensed another mandatory directive where we were obligated to comply. Or else.

In a way we were petrified at what we had just witnessed. Think of the open-ended obligation we carried. But we weren't surprised in the least. All nine pages happened to be gay; Stadler knew it before our arrival in DC. His application process was a ruse where the congressman wormed around the national selection regimen by investigating our sex lives more in-depth than our high school transcripts and/or any other facet of our backgrounds, including items essential for security clearance.

Stadler handed the escort a coat for the trip to his condo. It was just a brief walk, but Bob and Elizabeth Dole lived two doors down and would have suffered cardiac arrests had they seen an obvious male hooker out the window accompanying a well-known Republican congressman and his under-age page staff.

We arrived at Stadler's lavish condo to find the TV on playing gay-porn. "You boys relax and get comfortable while I go change. No reason you can't get out of those damned formal clothes," Stadler cunningly suggested.

The party can only be described as more pornographic than the video on screen. Nine teenage boys (twinks) at a congressman’s residence with a gay hooker. What would Mom do if she saw me now?" Imagine the disbelief in that dear old' church-lady's eyes. Probably die of heart attack. But imagine the congressman’s district discovering this.

Long after, I suffered a form of post-traumatic stress. The "party" was indescribable and can only be classified as hyper-scandalous – so unbelievable, the media would have been reluctant to expose even if corroborated.

The next Monday, the House was in session and Congressman Stadler took the floor to announce a proposal to amend a spending bill to include an unrelated provision restricting hate-crimes legislation aimed at gays. In other words, he wanted to exclude gays from hate-crime laws. What an absolute asshole!

Of course, it was for the audience back home, not what he truly believed. Everything revolved around photo-ops, nothing was based on conviction or the basic good of the people. Politicians in Congressman Stadler's circle claimed to be people of principle, of high moral fiber originating from the Bible – unlike the opposing party which they ridiculed day and night. Yet, the very ones pointing fingers were the ones most guilty of such behavior they supposedly despised – focusing on proposed legislation most pleasing to the base. "Men of character" they were called. Yeah, right. If only their supporters could see them in action at the Watergate. Nixon’s encounter with the scandalous icon didn’t hold a candle.

It wasn't until 2012 when the truth finally came out about the Watergate parties. They called the scandal "Pokergate" with a double meaning – for the bogus poker games and congressmen's "poker" of prostitutes. Congressman Stadler was implicated along with several more senators, representatives and top government officials – all the way up to the RNC Headquarters. In the end, Stadler got off the hook because someone in the White House pulled strings with the prosecutor from the Justice Department. Yeah, the chickenshit Dems covered for the chickenshit Republicans. Only those on the president's worst shit-list ever faced prosecution.

Years later after landing a job in Vegas, I met my former congressman while he was on another business trip. After serving three terms, Mark was hired as a lobbyist for Citrus Mutual and was of course hitting his successor up to write legislation beneficial to his client. But now his annual income ranged in 7-figures vs. 6.

I had heard through the grapevine that Stadler's wife had discovered him in bed with a guy at their Lakeland residence. Joann was supposed to be visiting her parents down in Bartow but arrived home two hours earlier than expected.

Mark persuaded her to keep it under wraps so he could complete his term and retire to a more lucrative job – lobbyist. To save-face and maintain financial security, she consented to this delicate arrangement.

How do I know all this? I was well-acquainted with the guy Rep. Stadler was porking that night. Dan was a friend of mine who was the lead-singer in a well-known gospel group; so, he had to keep his gay life secret as much as Stadler. They both attended a fundamentalist mega-church in Lakeland, and if this ever got out, they'd both be toast. Albeit Holy Toast.

Anyhow, when I met Stadler that night in Vegas, he had no clue I knew his secret. But for all he knew, I would never violate my non-disclosure agreement. Because if I did, the party was known to hire hitmen. Or arrange "small plane crashes." I remained silent.

Like the GOP class of ’94 that came in like a tsunami, the new class of 2010 were packed with young congressmen anxious to change things in Washington. Except they were of the same mold and held lots of secrets – like congressional page scandals yet to be uncovered. The beat goes on.



My name is Jonathon.

I became interested in politics while a junior in high school during Clinton's second term which seemed, unfortunately, to have been dominated by the Lewinsky affair, whether by design or happenstance. The majority in the Lakeland area were up in arms about the President's extramarital relations performed right in the nation's sacred Oval Office. Thus, they not only wanted him impeached, but beheaded. Central Florida is predominantly right-wing, the extreme intolerant variety. It is commonly known as the "I-4 Corridor" for Interstate 4 which slices the state in half, from Tampa to Daytona.

As a non-conformist, I refused to share their sentiments, although declaring myself a Libertarian and registering Republican when finally reaching 18 a year later – for nothing other than the sake of my own best interest. Yes, I was an opportunist, guilty as charged. Because I really didn't believe in basic GOP doctrine. I was no ideologue either, which type dominates the party at present. But I wanted to take advantage of the situation to further my own ambitions. The GOP was simply a stepping-stone.

In 1998 I inquired about serving as an intern or congressional page in Washington. Soon thereafter, Representative Mark Stadler's administrative assistant called to congratulate me on being selected to serve as a page on Stadler's staff. It seemed such an honor to have been chosen from among hundreds of applicants.

At the end of the semester, I hastily packed and drove my old '88 Honda to Washington DC. It was an adventure about which I'd only dreamed.

The morning I met Congressman Stadler was an eye-opener. Stadler had arrived in Washington with dozens of other freshmen Republicans as a direct result of Gingrich's Republican revolution of '94 where GOP leaders presented their 'Contract With America.' I honestly was not impressed with this bullshit which was generously dished out to an ignorant electorate. But I went along for the ride despite misgivings.

Mark Stadler was strikingly handsome – with his red hair, green eyes, and great physique indicating he worked out rigorously. I was impressed. But what really caught my attention was the way his eyes darted about the room focusing on particular young men, fresh recruits to his congressional page brigade. Stadler was allowed ten, and nine of them were males – just out of 11th grade. Only one female was present, probably a token or the daughter of some big contributor. All nine guys were attractive.

My first thought: "How could a so-called conservative Christian politician whose electability solely depended on his behavior while in office act in such a manner to compromise his re-electability?" Lakeland-Winter Haven is a right-wing bastion, not some freaky left-wing Massachusetts district on Cape Cod which elects a Barney Frank every term.

Then it dawned on me, "There's method to his madness." All politicians caught in the web of scandal seemed to have been implicated by affairs with females, not males. So, having a secret affair with another man, at that time anyhow, seemed less risky. Especially if the politician was skilled enough to put out a believable anti-gay message. It's like Jimmy Swaggart preaching against adultery all those years so he could divert attention away from his own affairs. Congressmen pull the same trick, I learned.

These were the days before Mark Foley was caught and Wide-Stance Larry was arrested (but continued serving out his term with impunity).

Ken Starr had just uncovered Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky, a female, and the discovery provided red-meat to a right-wing movement determined to take power at any cost, ethics and the nation's best interests be damned.

House Speaker Newt Gingrich also left himself wide open to attack by his careless trysts with female staffers. And guess who outed him? Tom DeLay, who seized the opportunity, thereby arranging Gingrich's premature departure so he could take his place or else choose his replacement thereby accumulating more power for himself. Gingrich had earlier outed Speaker Jim Wright of Fort Worth so he could take his place; then Tom DeLay outed Newt to take his place; now Tom DeLay is sentenced in Texas for political finance but never got caught for protecting the sex-slave trade in the Mariannas. It's dog eat dog.

Capitol Hill and all inside the Beltway were awash in scandal; it was a sea of corruption (still is) where bigger fish swallow the smaller as accepted behavior. It's a game of "Who can out whom the quickest." Or "Who can cover up the most the best." Those that hid the most corruption and cronyism were called "successful," and those who made careless mistakes that were later uncovered were called "failures." It wasn't the crime, it was getting caught committing the crime.

So, this was the atmosphere I walked into the summer of '98. Stadler was unusually handsome, had packed his page complement with spry high school boys from throughout his home district, and was obviously a closeted gay himself – or else deeply appreciative of male anatomy; I wasn't sure which. At first.

Six weeks went by after we had undergone orientation and got our feet wet. More or less we were simply "gofers" ("go-fors") as they called them. But we were privileged to sit behind the congressmen at committee meetings televised by CSPAN. I honestly think it was for window-dressing, because all we did was sit there and look attractive. Millions watch CSPAN, so the more attractive the people in the background, the better for the politician. It was all a PR stunt.

Once in a while we'd do actual work, like helping compile records, research topics limited to unclassified materials, opposition research ("dirt-digging"), and editing speeches and articles published in national and regional periodicals. Seldom were we allowed to speak directly to the congressman's constituents, at least never about policy. We were allowed to respond to emails, but only with preselected text, never our own. It boiled down to they had no trust in us.

Ironically, most of the representative's policy papers originated from RNC headquarters and arrived daily as "talking-points." Yes, the congressman read a canned script written by people over him seldom seen. He was rarely allowed an original thought, much less permitted to introduce resolutions and/or amendments outside what headquarters produced that was, in truth, created by lobbyists. In effect, only party-sanctioned lobbyists were allowed to propose legislation; congressmen simply served as conduits who "on-the-record" introduced legislation for the camera-eye, but such legislation was composed by lobbyists behind the curtain. Congressmen were downgraded to spokesmen for lobbyists and lobbyist served as puppets to major corporations and special interests who, in turn, never propose anything in the general public's best interest, only their own. No wonder the country's falling apart. Everything that masquerades as patriotic is destroying democracy as we once knew it.

The "K Street Project" was designed by Stadler and DeLay to solidify one-party rule. The plan went like this: DeLay and team signed contracts with lobby firms which denied employment to non-party lobbyists while guaranteeing positions to retired and former congressmen loyal to the party. All others were excluded, hence, guaranteeing the GOP a lock on power. Lobbyists outside the "Project" were essentially neutered, carried no influence on legislation whatsoever. As a result "K Street" firms hired only Republicans and approached only a few token Democratic legislators on Capitol Hill because Democrats had no authority to introduce bills. The effect was the reintroduction of fascism, not representative democracy by any stretch.

Oh, I almost forgot. The most unusual twist occurred at orientation when Congressman Stadler's assistant presented us with non-disclosure agreements and informed us that our signatures were mandatory, not optional, if we were continue on staff.  Although not on payroll, we were compelled to sign.

We read over the contract and one paragraph stood out: "Current and past pages under the supervision of Representative Mark Stadler will not disclose to the media or to any other person(s) outside this office any conduct or perceived conduct of the Congressman or his associates at any time, current or future, ad infinitum."

In other words, we were not allowed to rat on the congressman no matter what the offense, no matter what he did, good or bad. Whistleblowing was out of the question and we weren't provided immunity under any federal statute should we squeal to law enforcement, to the media, or to the ethics committee. Federal whistleblowing protections defaulted to the congressman's contract by way of our signatures, and no one in government would back us up if we did. It was more than a threat; it was a promise.

We signed, of course. But it raised a big red flag. What was Stadler hiding? What was he like behind the mask?

(Continued with next posting, April 10, 2011)


KARL ROVE, America’s Josef Goebbels

After George Bush’s retirement, many hoped his political guru would do the same. Unfortunately, “Turd Blossom” Rove, the architect and “brain” of Bush’s career, had no intention of fading. He now has the WMD “Citizens United” USSP decision which he uses skillfully to accumulate millions from anonymous corporate donors to unseat Democrats, which was partially accomplished in 2010. Rove’s organization, American Crossroads, raised $200 million in one month before 2010 Mid-terms – in undisclosed corporate cash. Ordinary citizens may only donate up to $2,400 per candidate, but corporate money is unlimited and untraceable – thanks to George Bush’s Supreme Court appointees. [The legacy of the damned continues.]

Karl Rove was instrumental in selling America six fraudulent elections and two wars – made possible by his stealthy intrigue. In the previous century, Josef Goebbels, Hitler’s Propaganda Minister, was successful in deceiving Germany into embracing totalitarianism, exterminating the Jews, and waging war against the world. The common characteristics in both are an insatiable desire to deceive and a psychopathic disorder so immoral the deaths of millions fail to register on their well-vacuumed consciences.

Josef Goebbels was indispensable to the rise and fall of the Third Reich. Karl Rove was indispensable to George W. Bush’s advent which led to the decline of the United States. Both will live in infamy.

Unlike former political advisers in U.S. history, Karl Rove was authorized to manipulate world events, military conflicts, terrorist alerts, and the timing of each to advance his boss. Even Josef Goebbels did not wield as much leverage. How could a consultant be given so much power? Because Rove was the avenue on which George Bush came to power and remained for eight years. Without Karl Rove, George Bush would have continued a mediocre business career in Texas. Rove saw Bush as a ticket to fame and, thus, rode the family name piggyback to the White House.

Rove’s tactics are renowned. His planting of false evidence to confuse investigations is well-documented in the DVD and book BUSH’S BRAIN.

We all strongly desire truth but must be careful not to grab what appeals to our preconceived notions of where it rests. Opportunists, like Rove, take advantage of the soft spot (thirst for truth) by creating misleading images, forgeries, and counterfeits that produce instant gratification, but in the long run cause dismissal of the entire package – which is the ultimate aim.

Events, associations and timing suggest Karl Rove was behind the January 2, 2001, break-in of the Niger Embassy in Rome and subsequent forgery constructed on stolen official stationery that was crucial in the selling of the Iraq Invasion. It is known that Karl Rove’s friend, Michael Ledeen organized a meeting in Rome in December 2000 to gather evidence to support the planned war. Ledeen was Karl Rove’s foreign policy advisor and is strongly suspected of being part of the Niger Embassy burglary in Rome where only government stationery and seals were lifted – material that was then used to forge documents implicating Saddam Hussein in the purchase of high-grade uranium from that African nation.

The masters of machinations are still in business. The pattern is the focus of this piece for the sake of forecast. Momentary waves are inaccurate predictors of the future, but underlying currents are. The pattern of deceit by unscrupulous right-wing political operatives, such as Karl Rove, Josef Goebbels and Frank Luntz, are the catalysts.

What are their goals?

To reshape America in the form it held during the Robber Baron era – where there were no social programs while obscenely rich moguls maneuver to funnel all wealth into the hands of the ruling class. In essence, when the political operatives’ aims are complete, it will mean the reinstitution of slavery. If the movement cannot outsource American industry, it leaves the borders open for illegals to snatch what jobs remain.... at lower and lower wages. NAFTA, CAFTA, and all other such trade agreements are simply methods to destroy the middle-class, abolish collective bargaining, and uproot the nation's economic base. Republicans are notorious for abandoning international treaties which protect us while embracing foreign treaties that destroy us.

Gov. Scott Walker is just one of Rove’s recent trophies. If not for Karl Rove’s AMERICAN CROSSROADS which funneled millions into Walker’s campaign, there wouldn’t have been the plan to abolish collective bargaining for public sector unions – a central goal hatched by Rove years ago in his quest to make Republic rule permanent. In brief, Walker is not the originator; Karl Rove is.

What are their military aims?

To remake America into a military empire where outsourced mercenary forces do the bidding of the ruling elite by subduing competitive nations (and destroying them if they defy America's superiority). Read PNAC's documents. They are far more shocking than at first glance. Nations that even hint of competing against America commercially are to be attacked preemptively – according to PNAC's blueprint. So, even if a country does not have a substantial military but competes against the U.S. economically, the rightwing US military is obligated to take them out.

Notice Republican leniency towards China vs. intolerance of Cuba. As long as Communist China is furnishing American corporations slave labor and cheap products, they're fine. But Cuba is different; it’s unwilling to appease corporate giants up north, thus the embargo 50+.

To use whatever means (legal & illegal) to subvert democracy in the U.S.; to undermine opposing parties; to marginalize and frame the opposing party as "unpatriotic," "un-Christian," and "un-American"; to character assassinate opponents and to assassinate them literally if the initial fails; to manipulate the nation into one-party rule so their other aims can proceed unimpeded. Obama doesn’t have a prayer unless he starts to recognize enemy traits and tactics. (But I solemnly doubt he has the will to perceive clearly due to his long-embedded nature of compromise, concessions, and consensus. His blindness is leading to our death.)

Karl Rove is the political guru behind this movement's rise to power with only a brief recess of Democratic majority. Without his deceptions, dirty tricks, lies and outsourced subversive tactics, America wouldn't be where it is today. Pandora's Box has been opened. Karl Rove initiated "Swift-Boat Veterans for Truth." Rove was the person who instigated the smear campaign in South Carolina 2000; against Max Cleland in Georgia 2002; redistricting Texas and recalling in California; and deposing Dan Rather while at the same time winning in 2004. He is the force behind the 2010 Mid-terms – raising millions of corporate, undisclosed money to resurrect the party that drove America in the ditch. Outing CIA Agent Valerie Plame as an act of vengeance for her husband’s role in exposing George Bush’s fabricated war has Rove’s signature all over it.

But somehow he manages to avoid prosecution and isn’t even called on the carpet for failing to appear for a congressional subpoena. Patrick Fitzgerald stopped short of Rove, settling for the fall guy, Scooter Libby. Who got to Fitzgerald?

Then Eric Holder, Obama’s Attorney General, doesn’t have the courage to prosecute traitors from the regime of the damned. Obama is only concerned about WikiLeaks because it exposed criminal activity in Washington, not the crimes nor the real criminals. Karl Rove gets off scot-free while America suffers from his dastardly deeds – endless wars and never-ending poverty.

There are many more characters in the movement who have served despicable roles.... Jack Abramoff, Ralph Reed, Tom DeLay, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, John Bolton, Bill Kristol, Newt Gingrich – all right-wing, about 200 white men in all, including members of PNAC and AEI. And let's not forget the roles of billionaires Richard Mellon Scaife, the Koch brothers (David & Charles), and Rupert Murdoch – who funded and founded right-wing "think-tanks" and "news" fronts which seed false information and provide the movement its momentum on into the 21st century. The Tea Party is just a sample of their creation. They are bitter, angry white men with an agenda to push us back to the Dark Ages. Rove and Luntz are just their employees.


When the Shoe's on the Other Foot 2111

In the year 2111, Brazil invades the United States. Presidente Jorque Arbusto gathers cherry-picked information from private intelligence that deliberately fabricates reports the U.S. has reconstituted its weapons of mass destruction program and is an imminent threat to Brazil, its Latin neighbors, and interests in the hemisphere

Brazil is the world’s’ super-power in 2111; the United Nations is headquartered in Sao Paula, the commercial center of the globe. And thus Presidente Jorque Arbusto assumes he can dictate to the world, cancel international agreements on a whim, and consume the remaining resources of the dying planet.

The U.S. has declined steadily since its permanent takeover by the Republican Party in the 21st century. China is vanquished by over-population and depleted resources, not to mention the lethal cloud of pollution hanging over its cities stemming from unrestrained industry. India suffers a similar fate. So, Brazil assumes world leadership.

Thus, Jorque Arbusto sets up a counterfeit “Coalition of the Willing” to attack the U.S. – except the U.N. doesn’t agree with the despot. In response, Arbusto bribes 30 postage stamp countries, including PagoPago, Guyana and Fiji, to go along with the plot – in name only, of course, since they have no military but are only placed on the list to cover Arbusto’s ass. However, it costs the Brazilian treasury in billions of Reals to bribe the “willing.”

The United States in the year 2111 is a retired empire – without much of a navy and no air force to defend itself. When the economy sinks, so does its capacity to wage war and maintain hundreds of military bases world-wide. But unlike the waning British Empire, the U.S. does not have commonwealth daughter nations to fall back on.

The reason the U.S. has no air defense is because Republican President Jeff Bush, great-grandson of George H.W., invades Cuba in 2098 which triggers retaliation from U.N. member nations which impose a “no-fly” zone from Miami to Seattle / Boston to San Diego.

Decades of decline classifies America with other faded empires of history, like Rome, Greece and Babylon. The rust belt stretches across the continent.

Yet Presidente Jorque Arbusto sees an opportunity. The farm-rich land of America is still the envy of the world with its fertile soil and lush forests. The Amazon rain forest is depleted, and the formerly abundant farmland carved from jungles is drained of nutrients. So, Arbusto creates an impression in the minds of Brazilians of a dangerous, gathering threat from a great northern empire.

But to energize the Brazilian people, Dictator Arbusto must lie about America and its leader, President Jeff Bush [who remains in office due to repeal of the 22nd Amendment which was only created by Republicans for the Roosevelt administration 170 years before]. Arbusto must remind Brazil that Bush killed his own people. But conveniently he neglects to tell them it was 16 years before and it was with Brazilian chemicals that Bush gassed 5,000 Mormons. Arbusto must call attention to America’s violations of U.N. resolutions – although 12 other countries do the same or worse, including Brazil and Dominican Republic, which has been a thorn in the side of its Caribbean neighbors

The final ultimatum is given. U.S. President Jeff Bush must resign within 48 hours or face a “shock and awe” bomb raid. Brazil’s military is deployed for invasion. The scheme is drawn seven years earlier, but few Brazilians are aware of plans by a secretive “think-tank” to make Brazil a world empire, written by a small group of militant hardliners which is aptly named the “PROJECT FOR A NEW BRAZILIAN CENTURY” (PNBC). Ulterior motives are concealed so citizens may not realize their real aims are empire and acquisition of soil.

Brazil’s chief ally is Portugal, the Mother Country, whose leader Presidente Antonio Blaro is considered Arbusto’s lap-Chihuahua in the grand plot. Blaro fails integrity but has a helluva command of the King’s Portuguese. He serves as Jorque’s spokesman.

Like lightning, Brazil’s superior military sweeps America. They destroy its historical artifacts, like the Alamo, Williamsburg, Statue of Liberty and Independence Hall, while protecting its food processing plants and land. Presidente Arbusto proclaims to the world, “Some say this is a war for SOIL, but I say to you, we come to make AMERICA FREE!”

Conveniently, he neglects to mention there are no WMDs and no connection to terrorists which did a job on Cristo Redentor overlooking Rio de Janeiro. Jorque Arbusto makes a grand photo op a few days later on the Aircraft Carrier Jose de San Martin and proclaims: “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Major combat operations in America are over!” Uniformed loyalists cheer while liberals back home jeer.

President Jeff Bush is caught months later hiding in a spider hole near the little town of Tea Creek. Presidente Arbusto proclaims on Brazilian TV, “We got him! The fighting will now subside because we have caught the evil ruler, Jeff Bush. We have come to LIBERATE America and to FREE its people. Because of my leadership, Brazil and its Latin brothers & sisters are now freer and safer.”

But the violence does not subside but increases by the day. The people of America do not see the Brazilians as “LIBERATORS” but as “OCCUPIERS.”

Jorque Arbusto goes on TV once more to label all resisters in America as “terrorists,” “evildoers,” and “insurgents.” which must be stomped out in order to liberate the 400 million Americans. He boldly states, "Anyone not with me is with the terrorists and evildoers." He invokes the name of "God" to energize the religious majority in Brazil. Jorque claims "God" ordered him to bomb Washington to make a "shock and awe" show for Americans so they'd be "softened up" for surrender.

Then he contradicts himself by asserting the conflict arises from “foreign terrorists” slipping over the Canadian border. In doing so, he places tight sanctions on Canada (his next war target, put on the list by the PNBC 7 years prior).

Arbusto goes further and classifies the Geneva Conventions “obsolete” and “irrelevant.” He orders intel interrogators to disregard international law. All prisoners are assumed to be “terrorists” and as such are granted no legal rights to an attorney and trials – only indefinite detentions at undisclosed locations where they are tortured and murdered at will. A few hundred Americans are locked up at the island prison of Fernando de Noronha, 350 miles from Brazil in the Atlantic, with no hope of justice or escape.

A few tokens are prosecuted for torture to appease Brazilian liberals – but only low-ranking enlistees, none of the top brass which are granted unconditional immunity. The ones ordering the torture are never investigated, much less prosecuted, because the directive originates from Presidente Arbusto himself. Young soldiers, barely past their teens, are sent to prison for Arbusto’s war crimes.

The Red Cross issues a protest and reports that 90% of the prisoners are innocent of any crime. Among the prisoners are American teenage boys and girls who are routinely stripped naked and raped at will by their Brazilian captors. Some prisoners are strung up with electric wires and dragged around the floor with leashes; while others are attacked by dogs.

The Americans who carry arms and resist invasion now are branded “insurgents” and “terrorists.” Their religion is belittled and blasphemed by the “liberators” determined to pry information from them as they stand for hours naked. Interrogators urinate on Bibles and mock Protestant pastors to provoke detainees. When Americans retaliate against the invaders, they are condemned. But no justice comes to the true perpetrators of prison abuse – originating from the Palácio do Planalto in Brasilia.

U.S. citizens cry foul, “Jeff Bush is caught and soon to be hung, so what’s your problem? We thought when you got him that’s all you wanted – regime change.”

But Jorque Arbusto is determined to “stay the course” and straighten out America, reform its government to conform to Brazil’s, and maintain a permanent military presence in the Northern Hemisphere to prevent other insurgents from regaining power.

Meanwhile, Brazil sees America as the nation that fostered a major terrorist attack against Rio de Janeiro two years earlier – although it is proven America had nothing to do with it. But Jorque Arbusto exploits Brazil’s ignorance and fear by invading a nation that has much mineral wealth and soil.

Most of the world recognizes the folly, but a sizable portion of Brazil doesn’t, primarily because they’re brainwashed by their rightwing TV network NOTICIARIO REPOSA. They remain loyal in the face of the resulting financial collapse and national shame.

Arbusto finally leaves office and is succeeded by Barrioto Obamio – who does nothing to investigate and prosecute the war crimes of his predecessor.

Now.... put yourself in the shoes of the Iraqis and Afghans. How would you feel if America was invaded and occupied for several years by a foreign power and our citizens subjected to indiscriminate torture and murder all because a two-bit dictator 7,000 miles away lied his nation to war for personal gain?

“In as much as you’ve done to the least of these, you’ve done unto me.” – Jesus Christ



America is almost equally divided. One party is totally partisan while the other still tries to get along, compromise, build consensus and display some sort of civility. Which do you suppose is winning dominance in the universe of politics?

Here is another nugget: When a group speaks with one voice and does not allow dissenting voices, it wins in general. That is a fact of life, albeit an ugly one. Remember Ronald Reagan's Eleventh Commandment? "Thou shalt not speak ill of fellow Republicans." (Except if you're George Bush in the 2000 South Carolina Primary undermining John McCain with the black-baby rumor.) Well, the party faithful not only adhere to that fundamental, they excommunicate any member that strays. It's rock solid.

Lock-step party loyalty has what effect on this country? ANSWER: Gridlock and decline. However, it is the one ingredient that guarantees political success for Republicans no matter the scandal, no matter the ignorance. It is the factor leading to fascism. It is the characteristic most similar to the Nazis which spoke with one voice, marched lockstep behind its leader, and did not permit outsiders in the public forum. Democrats were banned from the public square in what year? ANSWER: 1933 Germany. The parallels are real.

I realize comparisons to Nazi Germany are now politically incorrect – especially from the element most analogous. But the comparison, in this sense, is justifiably correct.

Right-wingers forgive their own however egregious the transgression. But they never forgive outsiders, even for alleged crimes which later prove false and only hatched by some smear-master. In keeping with that distinctive, will they in time forgive birthers for fabricating the Obama-not-born-in-US lies? You betcha. More outrageously, they will continue to cling to the lie. Just like they do the no-global-warming on the 6,000 year-old-earth.

Jimmy Swaggart's crocodile tears were accepted by his followers as a token of repentance, and the Republican base is one and the same. Leaders of their flock only have to pretend to repent on Sunday to continue sinning on Monday, ad infinitum.

When shooting his Texas bud in the face, Dick Cheney could have done worse by killing the poor sap. Whichever. He would have been forgiven. Why? He's one of them. They always forgive their own – overlooking any fault, major or minor.

Wide Stance Larry finished his Senate term without a hitch (no pun intended). John Ensign and David Vitter still hold their jobs despite a $100,000 bribe and $3,000 hookers. All forgiven.

But Republicans are determined to investigate the hell out of Obama, ACORN, Freddie Mac / Fannie Mae, and Barney Frank (no-brainer of choices).

Barack Obama’s defense of a mosque near Ground Zero will never be forgiven, although what he said was consistent with American values. Why does the right continue to hold it against the President? He's not one of "them" plus his skin is a shade darker. Confederates still screech, “Hell, no! We ain’t forgittin’“ Although the Civil War was 150 years ago, rebs still hold a grudge. Guess what? They’re the same people that constitute the Republican Party today.

Friends, we are now in the AGE OF PARTISANSHIP. The nation is in gridlock; little progress can be made for the betterment of America and the world. Congress, controlled by the lock-step crowd, will never betray its pledge to represent the wealthy class and weapons industries to the detriment of everyone and everything else.

The parties differ in two principal ways: (1) PERCEPTION and (2) KILLER INSTINCT.


Republicans see in black and white with no shades between while Democrats view a world of diverse colors – so blended one cannot distinguish one hue from another. Republicans perceive Democrats as godless evil socialists ready to destroy this country if given the chance, and Democrats perceive Republicans as fellow sojourners sitting politely around a negotiating table bargaining in good faith. Republicans hate the opposing party, and Democrats want Republicans to like them so much, they’re willing to concede their core principles for a little camaraderie. Republicans focus on enemies; Democrats value friends.

Their perceptions are opposite.

Republicans see nations of the world as potential enemies while Democrats see them as potential friends. Republicans are absolutists while Democrats are abstractionists. Neither see in 20/20. Both have forms of defective vision; one far-sighted, the other near-sighted. In a nutshell, that’s the problem.


Republicans own a killer instinct; Democrats don’t. Republicans are willing to win at any cost, including election fraud and lying the nation to war. Democrats don’t. Republicans are like a football team that pays off the refs to stay home; Democrats play crocket – only they have soft mallets to safeguard against injury.

Republicans roll out an assault rifle and blow the living shit out of anyone/anything they classify enemy. Democrats just roll their eyes.

Obama sees the partisan struggle differently than the Progressive base which elected him. His overall view is like his familiar Senate-setting where distinguished members debate in civil tones and all legislation is passed by compromise. Obama’s eyesight is about as skewed as Republicans’.

Whereas Bush held a firm determination to undermine labor, ignite wars, and pander to the wealthy, Obama holds no such fortitude to reverse the injury of the former. However, his determination is directed toward compromise and consensus. Whereas Bush was courageously ignorant, Obama is timidly intelligent. The outcome is almost as bad under Obama – since he has no practical will to repair the damage and set America on a progressive course – like he promised so aggressively during the 2008 campaign.

In a tournament, if one contender has a killer instinct and is ready to win by any means including eliminating his opponent and the other contestant is passive and desires to end an amiable competition with a handshake and a smile, which do you suppose wins?

Republican schools hand out lots of failing grades, few passing; Democratic schools issue everyone a gold star – even to those absent who never completed their homework. Both are wrong. Democrats are soccer moms that don’t keep score because they don’t want anybody to lose. Republicans pay the referees to let their kids win.

Democrats would like to outlaw dodge ball; Republicans would like to make the balls concrete.

Obama pictures himself as an American Nelson Mandela – a hero struggling to patch the racial divide – bringing Republicans and Democrats together to find solutions by appeasement and compromise. Obama knows not his enemies.

In the real world, it’s KILL or BE KILLED. Idealists would like for it to be otherwise, but it isn’t. And, so, America finds itself on the road to fascism, similar to the German experience where the Weimar Republic (Democrats) paved the Autobahn to Nazism (Republicans).

The national scene sickens me. Where’s reality and practicality?



A manager in a nearby town had been harassing and seducing female employees for years but never faced reprimand. It seemed he brandished a Teflon defense. In his late 50s and married, the man had behaved the same in three prior facilities. On all counts management did nothing but give the guy a better position with higher-pay. Somehow he impressed his superiors so, any charge was dismissed outright without any form of discipline or verbal chastise. He was likened to the pedophile priest transferred to a better parish plus promotion after getting caught with little altar boys.

And the harassment was blatant. While at work, Dick (alias) whispered in the ears of attractive young women, “Go with me tonight to the club and hotel and I’ll make sure to make it worthwhile at work.”

If the female resisted his advances, he would retaliate – either issuing severe discipline on trumped-up charges or denying a promotion. Unmistakably, Dick was a sexual predator – with impunity.

One young lady – married with two kids – decided to take matters into her own hands. Upper management in the district office 200 miles away had ignored written statements from 12 other women (not including the dozens of others unreported).

So Lydia (alias) decided to record the bastard at work as he spoke softly in her ear. Lydia concealed a voice recording MP3 device and documented Dick saying, “Hey babe, let’s you and me go out for a drink after work, then relax in a hot tub at the hotel where we can work up some real fun. You’ll get that promotion if you say yes.”

With recording in hand, Lydia turned her evidence over to district officials.

A few days later, she received a certified letter informing her she was being formally removed from the firm due to her violating company policy and state regulation prohibiting recording devices in the workplace.

So Lydia got fired for blowing the whistle on the jerk that was harassing and threatening her. Next week, Dick got promoted again – this time to management over the entire facility.

Lydia finally got her job back, but only after her grievance went through the 8-month process, finally landing before an arbitrator. But she only received backpay – no compensation for stress and late house and car payments due to no income during the interim. And no punitive charges against the system that wrongfully discharged her. Of course, she felt violated. Who wouldn’t? It was an absolute miscarriage of justice.

This true story is told to illustrate the desecration of justice infecting all facets of the current American system.

The late-2010 movie, FAIR GAME, about Ambassador Joseph Wilson blowing the whistle on George Bush – which motivated Karl Rove, George Bush, Dick Cheney and Scooter Libby to out Wilson’s CIA wife, Valerie Plame – reveals how Bush’s people (including the Justice Department) covered up for an Administration that lied America into war costing trillions and then carrying out a vendetta against the guy that exposed the lies by going after his wife. But more than his wife, the Bush administration seriously damaged the United States, because she was no low-ranking clerk in an obscure Langley office – a story Rove and Cheney tried to spin post-crime. She was a covert op specializing in nuclear-chemical-biological proliferation, specifically Iranian and Iraqi WMD, and was head of a CIA front company based in Georgetown with global connections. In this capacity Valarie Plame was dispatched to dozens of countries by the CIA.

The movie is par excellent. Sean Penn plays Ambassador Wilson and Naomi Watts plays Valerie Plame. The title of the movie is taken from Karl Rove’s statement to MSNBC’s Chris Matthews: “Wilson’s wife is fair game.”

Instead of being locked up for life, the quartet of evil are honored and protected by their successor, Barack Obama. That outrage, above all else, angers the Democratic base. Wilson and Plame were made to suffer, lose their jobs and businesses, and experience hundreds of death threats just because they were patriotic enough to tell the truth to the American people.

What the movie fails to elaborate is the source of the mushroom-cloud lie that Bush-Cheney-Rice-Rove blasted around the world – the reason Ambassador Wilson was dispatched to Niger in 2002 in the first place.

It began after the stolen Election 2000. A majority of President-Elect’s cabinet (including the VP) were charter members of a conservative think-tank established in 1997 called “Project for a New American Century” (PNAC). PNAC had posted several policy papers pre-2001 openly stating Saddam Hussein must be taken out and Iraq invaded. Bush’s administration-in-waiting did not wait for the Clinton people to vacate; it was busy preparing for the new team concentrating on Bush’s targeted agenda, which included tax-cuts for the very wealthy and the invasion of Iraq.

Bush’s Treasury Secretary, Paul O’Neill, stated on 60 MINUTES that Bush was focused on invading Iraq soon after inauguration, January 20, 2001. Other insiders report Bush was talking invasion as early as 1999.

Richard Clarke served as Bush’s counter-terrorism adviser on the U.S. Security Council. In an interview with Leslie Stahl, he revealed Bush was intent on attacking Iraq immediately after 9/11. Other of his writings indicate Bush was determined to go after Iraq from the beginning of the term – 9 months prior.

So, Ambassador Wilson’s New York Times article of July 6, 2003, WHAT I FOUND IN AFRICA, was not first in exposing the colossal treason committed by the Bush people. The plot is thicker than the simple lie of Saddam’s purchase of uranium from Niger.

There remains the foundation question, “Who forged the letter on official Niger letterhead and who stole the stationery and government seal at the onset? And when was the burglary?” The timing is amazingly relevant to the plot.

It started with a break-in on the morning of Jan. 2, 2001, eighteen days before Bush’s inaugural. Much like the 1972 Watergate Burglary, the thieves were dispatched by anonymous politicians for unknown reasons. Mysteriously, they confiscated official stationery and government stamps while ignoring highly-visible valuables and jewelry. Italian officials discovered that the Niger Embassy in Rome had been pillaged but were puzzled why nothing of value was missing.

A few months later, Italian intelligence obtained a stack of official-looking documents from an African diplomat. Signed by officials of the Niger government [who had actually retired in 1989], the papers revealed what purported to be an agreement between Iraqi Agents of strongman Saddam Hussein and Niger officials. The forged letter revealed Iraq was supposedly negotiating the sale of 500 tons of yellowcake from Niger, the type uranium used to build nuclear bombs. The Italians quickly notified the CIA which investigated and immediately determined the letter to be forged.

Circumstantial evidence strongly suggests – the embassy burglars, like the Watergate plumbers, were connected to and employed by the U.S. President (“elect”) and his people before being sworn in office to build a case for war against Iraq. Information further suggests the burglars were operatives of the neocons and members of the PNAC. Like money-laundering, they were probably hired through several layers to conceal the source. Conspiracy? Yes. The evidence, of course, is circumstantial yet so formidable; there is no doubt about ties to the Iraq invasion and “fixing the intelligence around the policy” (as Bush put it in July 2002 when meeting with British intelligence – recording in the famous Downing Street Minutes).

However, Ambassador Joseph Wilson’s trip to Niger over a year later was, indeed, just a corroboration of the CIA’S initial analysis of forgery – the fake letter that Bush had already endorsed and been using as an excuse to invade. But since America’s own CIA had discredited the letter, Bush deferred to British intelligence in his 2003 State of the Union with his 16-word lie: “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

The lie was deliberate. It was treasonous. For it led America down the path to war and financial ruin.

Again, the timing of these events suggests more than coincidence, but criminal intent. Every person that attempted to blow the whistle on Bush and his people became “fair game” for vengeance, in Rove’s words.

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange opened a whole other can of worms. If he survives, it’ll be a miracle.

Unfortunately, the culprits remain protected, crimes go unpunished, while the whistle-blowers suffer. This is American justice. Just like the young lady that turned her boss in for sexual harassment, America has been pillaged and raped – yet the rapist relaxes in impunity because of his economic and political rank.

Had there not been a stolen Election 2000, there wouldn’t have been an embassy burglary, a forged letter, a deliberate lie of WMD, a 9/11, invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, and an economy bordering on Depression. Only the innocent go punished.