Syria & The Monarchs: A Perfect Storm

By Conn Hallinan - 07.28.13

The Obama administration’s decision to directly supply weapons to the Syrian opposition may end up torpedoing the possibility of a political settlement. It will almost certainly accelerate the chaos spreading from the almost three-year old civil war. It will also align the U.S. with one of the most undemocratic alliances on the planet, and one that looks increasingly unstable.

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Afghanistan: Is It Really the End Game?

By Conn Hallinan - 06.30.13

“Gunmen in Pakistan on Monday set ablaze five trucks carrying NATO equipment out of Afghanistan as the international military alliance winds down it combat mission there, officials said.”

                                   -Agence France Presse, 3/1/13

There is nothing that better sums up the utter failure of America’s longest war than getting ambushed...

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The White House’s Flawed Korea Policies

By Conn Hallinan on April 19, 2013

In the current crisis on the Korean Peninsula the Obama administration is virtually repeating the 2004 Bush playbook, one that derailed a successful diplomatic agreement forged by the Clinton administration to prevent North Korea from acquiring nuclear weapons? While the acute tensions of the past month appear to be receding— all of the parties involved seem to be taking a step back— the problem is not going to disappear and, unless Washington and its allies re-examine their strategy, another crisis is certain to develop.

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Four More Years: The Asia Pivot

By Conn Hallinan - 04.07.13

In March 1990, Time Magazine titled an article “Ripples in The American Lake.” It was not about small waves in that body of water just north of Fort Lewis, Washington. It was talking about the Pacific Ocean, the largest on the planet, embracing over half of humanity and the three largest economies in the world. Time did not invent the term—it is generally attributed to Gen. Douglas MacArthur, U.S. Pacific commander during WW II —but its casual use by the publication...


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Middle East: The Next Four Years

By Conn Hallinan - 12.02.12

Over the next four years the U.S. will face a number of foreign policy issues, most of them regional, some of them global. Dispatches From The Edge will try to outline and analyze them, starting with the Middle East.


The most immediate problem in the region is the on-going civil war in Syria, a conflict with... Read More